Oreo Cheese Cake in The Jar Take the jar out of the freezer and place another "crust" layer. Make sure the crumbs are evenly distributed and press down lightly with the back of the spoon. The EASIEST oreo cheesecake jars recipe!

Bahan Membuat Oreo Cheese Cake in The Jar

  1. It's of 🍰Bahan A:.
  2. It's 2 bungkus of oreo, sisihkan creamnya, hancurkan.
  3. You need 120 gr of butter, lelehkan.
  4. It's of 🍰Bahan B (cream cheese frosting):.
  5. You need 125 gr of cream cheese.
  6. Prepare 100 gr of icing sugar.
  7. You need 50 gr of butter.
  8. You need 1 sdt of vanilla extract atau 1/4 sdt vanili bubuk.
  9. It's 1/4 sdm of susu cair (optional), saya skip.
  10. You need of 🍰Bahan Tambahan:.
  11. You need Secukupnya of selai strawberry.

Langkah Memasak Oreo Cheese Cake in The Jar

  1. Kepingan oreo dihancurkan, butter dilelehkan, campur oreo dan butter sd rata.
  2. Untuk cream cheese frosting, campur semua bahan, mixer sampai mengembang..
  3. Susun oreo, kemudian cream cheese frosting selang seling, paling atas beri selai strawberry, hias dengan oreo atau sesua selera. Masukkan ke chiller kurang lebih 5 jam..

Satisfy your oreo cookie cheesecake sweet tooth. You will love this easy oreo cheesecake recipe. Once you have sous vide cheesecake you may never bake a cheesecake In a medium bowl, stir together the Oreo cookie crumbs and melted butter. Divide the crumbs between your individual jars or serving dishes and press into the bottoms of the dishes to form a half-inch crust layer. In a large bowl, with an electric mixer, combine the cream cheese and Nutella until smooth and creamy.

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