5. Brownis keju instan rice cooker What do you do when you live in a little bamboo hut on a lake in Northern Thailand, with no means of cooking - other than a hotplate and a rice cooker - and you really fancy cake? Instant Pot Brown Rice turns out perfectly fluffy and tender every time. Below you'll learn how to cook brown rice in the Instant Pot, along with other varieties, two different ways.

Bahan Membuat 5. Brownis keju instan rice cooker

  1. 1 bks brownis instan (saya pakai merk nutricake).
  2. 100 gr mentega yang dicairkan.
  3. 1 btr telor ayam.
  4. 5 sdm air biasa.

Langkah Memasak 5. Brownis keju instan rice cooker

  1. Cairkan mentaga menggunakan rice cooker, Nyalakan rice cooker tekan tombol "cook", masukkan 100 gr mentega, aduk aduk tunggu hingga mencair seluruhnya. Matikan.
  2. Tuang bahan-bahan (nutricake, telor ayam, mentega cair, air) ke dalam wadah yang sudah disiapkan.
  3. Aduk hingga adonan kalis.
  4. Nyalakan rice cooker pada posisi "cook", dan tuang adonan ke dalam inner pot dan tutup rice cooker. Tunggu kurang lebih 35 menit. (Tambahkan parutan keju di atasnya jika punya).
  5. Cek kematangan brownis dengan cara mencolok adonan menggunakan sumpit, jika sudah tidak ada adonan yang menempel pada sumpit berarti sudah matang..
  6. Potong-potong brownies sajikan ke piring saji. Brownies keju instan siap disantap. Mantapss....

Instant Pot Brown Rice - step by step guide to make the perfect brown rice in your Instant Pot each time! If you've tried this Instant Pot Brown Rice Recipe then don't forget to rate the recipe! Rice cookers are great for quickly preparing dishes, either for a single meal or for a week's worth, but figuring out how to use the time-saving appliance can be "I recently purchased a regular Tiger rice cooker that only provided instructions on cooking white rice. I wanted to cook brown rice, and this. Instant Pot suggests any rice can be cooked with a one-to-one rice-to-water ratio, but during testing, we found this wasn't universally true — both Combine the rice, water, salt, and butter in the Instant Pot.

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