Chocolate mousse simple This easy Chocolate Mousse recipe is super simple to make from scratch and deliciously light and fluffy. It's fancy enough for a party but easy enough to make whenever you have a craving for. While it uses only a few ingredients, its chocolate flavor is rich and its Now, there are chocolate mousse recipes that simply involve folding whipped cream into melted.

Bahan Membuat Chocolate mousse simple

  1. 500 ml whipped cream cair.
  2. 100 gr gula bubuk.
  3. 200 gr coklat leleh.
  4. 1 sdm gelatin bubuk.
  5. 1 sdm air.

Langkah Memasak Chocolate mousse simple

  1. Tuang gelatin bubuk di mangkok, beri air. sisihkan hingga gelatin menyatu.
  2. Kocok whipped cream cair hingga setengah kaku, masukkan gula bubuk sedikit-sedikit.
  3. Kocok terus hingga kaku, matikan mixer. masukkan coklat leleh yang sudah dicampur campuran gelatin aduk pake spatula.
  4. Siap diisikan ke kulit pie, untuk cake coklat atau langsung dimakan saja. Lebih nikmat disajikan dingin.

This healthy chocolate avocado mousse is the perfect way to add more avocados into your day, into your children, and still stay sugar-free. Dark chocolate and espresso add the slightly bitter notes needed to balance this easy chocolate mousse recipe. I was requested to make mousse, this was simple, easy and came out perfectly. But fruit and chocolate mousses are favorite desserts—for good reason. The techniques for making the egg yolk-enriched filling, then folding in stiffly-beaten cream take no more than a little care.

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