Potatoes Schotel with Egg and Cheesse Sometimes it's extra delicious when food is served in a single portion skillet. Here are more egg and cheese recipes you may like "Potato, Ham and Spinach Breakfast Pie", "Bacon and Egg Breakfast Tacos". baked with potatoes and Gruyere cheese. poached in spicy tomato sauce with pan-fried potatoes LIKE DIS YA'LL. Between the spicy tomato sauce, the spicy pan-fried potatoes, the fresh powerhouse kale, the soft and creamy eggs WITH THE GOAT CHEESE melted in hunks all over the.

Bahan Membuat Potatoes Schotel with Egg and Cheesse

  1. Bahannya:.
  2. 1 buah kentang.
  3. 2 butir telur ayam.
  4. Keju parut sesuai selera (klo ditambah keju mozarella lebih mantap deh).
  5. Bumbunya:.
  6. secukupnya Masako.
  7. secukupnya Lada.
  8. Bahan pelengkap:.
  9. Boleh di tambah ayam suir/sosis/daging cincang.
  10. Dan 1 buah cetakan alumunium foil.

Langkah Memasak Potatoes Schotel with Egg and Cheesse

  1. Langkah pertama kupas kentang, cuci bersih lalu potong2 kecil tipis membentuk korek api..
  2. Langkah kedua campurkan potongan kentang dengan 1 butir telur ayam, bahan pelengkap (ayam suir/sosis/daging cincang), keju parut, masako dan lada. Aduk hingga semua tercampur rata.
  3. Langkah ke tiga, tuangkan campuran adonan kentang tadi ke dalam cetakan alumunium foil hingga rata. Bolongi tengahnya lalu masukan 1 buah telur di tengahnya jgn di aduk..
  4. Langkah terakhir taburi adonan kentang telur tadi dengan keju parut atau boleh di tambah keju mozarella jika ada. Lalu panggang ke dalam oven selama kurleb 30 menit..
  5. Setelah matang Potatoes Schotel pun siap di hidangkan, paling enak di makan dengan saus panas2 :).

I added a little more cheese and some oregano (because I love oregano with eggs). Both baking potatoes, such as Russets, and boiling potatoes, like Yukon Gold, work in these types of recipes. Baking potatoes are low-moisture, meaning they won't hold their shape as well as Cover with the remaining potato mixture, season again with salt and pepper and top with remaining cheese. (Visit the Simply Potatoes Breakfast Lovers page for more recipes.) These bacon, potato, egg and cheese waffles are great for breakfast, but they're even better for dinner. These fun and delicious waffles are stuffed with eggs, bacon, potato and cheese! They are great for Breakfast, lunch or dinner.

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