Chocolate mousse oat This sinfully healthy Avocado Chocolate Mousse is rich and so silky smooth… and you really can't The best part about this avocado chocolate mousse is that it tastes so decadent and so sinful that. If you love creamy, rich, dark chocolate, then Mousse Au Chocolat is for you. This classic French Chocolate Mousse is incredibly easy to make and requires only a few ingredients!

Bahan Membuat Chocolate mousse oat

  1. 100 ml Susu cair plain.
  2. 50 gr Dark cooking chocolate.
  3. 1 sdm Oat.
  4. 1 butir Telur.

Langkah Memasak Chocolate mousse oat

  1. Tim dark cooking chocolate hingga meleleh, sisihkan (cara tim: panaskan air di panci, masukkan mangkuk yang berisi dark cooking chocolate yang sudah dipotong-potong, biarkan dark cooking chocolate meleleh sesekali sambil diaduk).
  2. Campur susu dan telur, masak di api kecil sambil diaduk, campurkan dengan oat, angkat setelah mengental.
  3. Campur cokelat leleh dengan oatmeal masak, aduk, tuangkan dalam mangkuk, dinginkan dalam kulkas.

There are a few different routes you. Remove the chocolate from the bain marie and using a whisk, fold in the egg whites all at once. When the whites are almost completely incorporated, fold in the whipped cream. You can decorate mousse au chocolat with grated dark chocolate, white chocolate, rose And grated dark chocolate and white chocolate for garnish. Chocolate mousse - It has light texture with.

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