Nasi KFC Rice Cooker (KFC Japanese Rice) The simple recipe calls for soy sauce, chicken stock, KFC original recipe chicken, uncooked rice, and one (or more) human(s) willing to put health considerations aside for a. Recently, we found out that the Japanese people have taken that humble culinary concept into the modern age, one filled with wondrous conveniences like fast-food restaurants and rice cookers. We are, of course, talking about the divine process of steeping KFC Original Recipe chicken with rice.

Bahan Membuat Nasi KFC Rice Cooker (KFC Japanese Rice)

  1. 2 cup beras putih.
  2. 2 potong ayam kfc original.
  3. Kaldu jamur.
  4. Kecap asin.
  5. Minyak wijen.
  6. Secukupnya air seperti masak nasi biasa.

Langkah Memasak Nasi KFC Rice Cooker (KFC Japanese Rice)

  1. Cuci bersih beras..
  2. Pindahkan kedalam pan rice cooker..
  3. Beri kaldu jamur, kecap asin, minyak wijen, air aduk rata. Taruh ayam kfc diatasnya..
  4. On cook sampai matang sambil sesekali diaduk..

Tis the season for fried chicken, at least it is according to Japanese Christmas traditions. And if you find yourself with leftovers from your delicious dinner We've tried some dubious rice cooker recipes in the past, but this one looks like one of our tastiest yet, so click below to see the recipe for KFC rice! When we talk about fried chicken, perhaps no other fast food brand is as well-known and as well-loved across the world as KFC. This awesome hack went viral on Japanese social media and now netizens from various parts of the globe have immediately jumped on the craze. COOKING ASMR NASI AYAM KFC Rice Cooker.

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