Popcorn caramel After using it on my Rainbow Rocky Road video, a bunch of you asked me how to make Caramel Popcorn. Here is my recipe for the stuff. Easy Homemade Caramel Popcorn has just the right crunch and chewiness that you want, without sticking to your teeth.

Bahan Membuat Popcorn caramel

  1. 4 sdm jagung kering.
  2. Margarin/butter (me blueband).
  3. 1 sdm Gula pasir.
  4. 1/2 sdt garam.
  5. secukupnya Gula merah.
  6. secukupnya Air.

Langkah Memasak Popcorn caramel

  1. Panaskan wajan/ panci. Masukan mentega,gula pasir,gula merah,dan garam ksh air secukupnya aduk jd satu. Kemudian masukan jagung nya. Tutup panci yg rapat..
  2. Sambil sekali2 di goyang2kqn pancinya. Kalo sudah mekar dan matang semua matikan kompor. Langsung deh bs di makan ♥️.

This Caramel Popcorn hits all the notes! With just a few ingredients you'll have the best, freshest, caramel corn you've ever tasted and you'll never go back to the bagged or microwaved variety again! This sweet and salty caramel popcorn recipe (AKA caramel corn) is simple to make and impossible to stop eating. The caramel cools to a brittle candied shell around freshly popped popcorn. Make a batch of this sweet and buttery caramel popcorn to share with friends.

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