Nasi Goreng Rice Cooker Nasi goreng is an iconic Indonesian fried rice that is as fun as it is delicious! A great way to use up leftover meats and veggies, too! Nasi Goreng - Indonesian Fried Rice.

Bahan Membuat Nasi Goreng Rice Cooker

  1. 1 canting beras, cuci bersih.
  2. 3 btg sosis.
  3. 3 lenjer buncis, potong2.
  4. 1 buah wortel, potong dadu kecil2.
  5. 2 siung bawang putih, dicincang (saya geprek).
  6. 2 sdm kecap manis.
  7. 2 sdt garam.
  8. 1/2 sdt kaldu jamur.
  9. 1/2 sdt merica bubuk.
  10. secukupnya Minyak goreng.
  11. Air utk memasak nasi seperti biasa.
  12. Bawang goreng utk taburan.
  13. b.

Langkah Memasak Nasi Goreng Rice Cooker

  1. Siapkan bahan2..
  2. Masukkam dalam rice cooker..
  3. Masukkan beras.
  4. Masukkan minyak goreng, kira2 3-4 sdm..
  5. Masukkan kecap manis, garam, kaldu jamur dan merica..
  6. Tuang air. Aduk rata. Tekan 'cook'..
  7. Jika nasi sudah matang dan tombol pindah ke 'warm', masukkan bawang goreng, aduk rata nasi. Kemudian tutup rice cooker dan tunggu sebentar hingga nasi lebih tanak..
  8. Nasi siap disajikan.....
  9. Mungkin biar warna nasinya lebih gelap bisa tambahkan kecap asin sedikit..tapi takaran garam harus dikurangi ya... Selamat mencoba....

Nasi Goreng is a fragrantly spiced Indonesian fried rice recipe that is much easier to make at home than you think! Nasi Goreng's got the same concept as any other fried rice. Repurposing last night's leftovers and making them into breakfast. Add the cooked rice and stir until it's all been incorporated - you can add a few tablespoons of water at this point if it becomes a little dry and starts to stick. Heat a little of the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat and fry the eggs until crisp at the edges and cooked to your liking.

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