Kiwi squash / kiwi mojito #10 In a tall glass or cocktail shaker, place the kiwi slices, reserving a few for garnishing, and muddle or smash with a spoon until only a few pieces remain.; Divide the muddled kiwi between two cocktail glasses. In the shaker, add the lime juice, mint leaves, and jalapeño simple syrup.; Muddle the mint leaves in the juices. Kiwi Mojito Popsicles Gimme Some Oven. kiwi, sugar, water, rum, fresh lime juice, fresh mint leaves.

Bahan Membuat Kiwi squash / kiwi mojito #10

  1. 1 buah kiwi.
  2. 1 buah jeruk nipis.
  3. 6 sdm sirup melon.
  4. 250 ml sprite kecil.
  5. 1 mangkuk es batu.

Langkah Memasak Kiwi squash / kiwi mojito #10

  1. Siap kan semua bahan".
  2. Kiwi di kupas lalu di potong"sesuai selera, jeruk nipis sebagian di iris tipis" di buang bijinya.
  3. Susun semua bahan di dalam gelas, 3 sdm sirup paling bawah, kemudian isi dg es batu selang seling dg kiwi dan irisan jeruk, tambahkan lg es batu sampai penuh.
  4. Tuang sprite di atas es batu, beri perasan air jeruk nipis (sisa sparo yg td d potong").

Prepare the spiced kiwi slices: lay kiwifruit on a flat surface and sprinkle both sides with spices. Once the squash is cooked, remove from oven and transfer to plates or bowls. Kiwi Mojito or Kiwi Mocktail is a tasty cool beverage prepared without the addition of alcohol. Quick to prepare beverage without much pain. An excellent tasty thirst quencher during summer season.

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