Cendol pandan Cendol itself is originated from Indonesia but becomes very famous in Malaysia and Singapore due to the Cendol Ice Kacang hype. Cendol with rice flour and Hun Kwee flour (mungboon flour) Cendol is a popular traditional cold dessert in Southeast Asia, commonly used to beat the heat on a scorching hot day. Different countries have their own prefered toppings.

Bahan Membuat Cendol pandan

  1. 1 gelas tepung beras.
  2. 1 bungkus tepung hongkwe campur tepung jagung jadikan 1 gelas.
  3. 5 1/2 gelas air pandan.
  4. 1/2 st garam.
  5. 1 st kapur sirih.
  6. 3 sm gula pasir.
  7. pewarna hijau sikit.

Langkah Memasak Cendol pandan

  1. Satukan semua bahan kacau rata.masak api sedang sampai pekat.

The pandan batter "falls through" some kind of kitchen equipment with. There is a widespread belief that the name cendol originated from the word jendol (bump), in reference to the swollen green worm-like rice flour jelly. However, the origin of cendol is not clear. What we do know is that this sweet drink is widely spread across Southeast Asia. Making your own cendol jellies is quite easy, what you need are just a few simple ingredients.

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